What do digital marketing agencies do and are they worth it?

In today's online world, getting your business noticed can be tough. The advice is endless: maintain consistency, offer value, establish content pillars, prioritise prompt responses, focus on both short and long-form content, curate high-quality and user-generated content, run ads, and don't forget about email marketing. It's a daunting list, leaving many wondering: where do you even begin?

If you're reading this, chances are you're considering either building an internal team or outsourcing to a digital agency. It's a fair consideration, and while we at Byond might be a bit biased (after all, it's what we do best), we'll present our case, and the decision ultimately rests with you.

So, what do we exactly do, and are we worth hiring? Let's break it down.

Digital marketing agencies, are like Swiss Army knives for businesses. They handle a bunch of tasks, like making sure your website shows up when people search online (that's search engine marketing), sending out emails to customers (email marketing), managing ad campaigns (paid advertising), and keeping your online reputation in check.

But it's not just about shouting your message into the void. It starts with discovery sessions to understand your business goals, establish KPIs, and define your target audience. Then comes the planning phase, where we strategise on the best approach to engage with your audience. This involves shaping your brand's voice, curating the visual aesthetics of your platforms, defining content pillars for a structured organic strategy, and creating assets like designing graphics, planning videos, photos and your overall feed.

Then we plan ahead, scheduling posts and updates to ensure consistent activity and capitalise on important dates or events. At Byond, we work at least one month in advance, providing ample time for client review and ensuring all accounts remain active throughout the month. This proactive approach also accommodates any urgent content that needs to be published promptly.

From there, agencies serve as your online ambassadors, handling daily interactions with your audience, whether it's responding to comments, messages, or inquiries. This engagement is pivotal in building connections and trust. At Byond, we believe in being 'social on social' - leveraging platforms as they were intended and earning favour with algorithms by being genuine and responsive.

But that's just one side of the coin. Paid advertising and campaigns are equally crucial. With platforms like Meta becoming increasingly pay-to-play, organic strategies alone are insufficient. A solid organic foundation is vital, but targeted ad spends are essential for cutting through the noise and reaching the right audience.

Now, you might wonder if it's worth spending money on a marketing agency when you could try doing it yourself.

Here's the thing: managing your own marketing is not only time-consuming but also requires expertise across multiple platforms, each with its nuances and best practices. Hiring an agency streamlines the process, providing you with a team who handle everything seamlessly, freeing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Plus, agencies work with lots of different companies, so they know what works and what doesn't in the world of marketing. They know how to create posts that people actually want to see, and make sure your brand looks consistent and professional across all your social media accounts.

Furthermore, agencies like Byond have direct lines of communication with platforms like Facebook, Google, and TikTok. We engage with their marketing experts regularly, ensuring our campaigns and efforts align with platform trends and guidelines, ultimately delivering optimal results for our clients.

With an array of platforms, algorithms, and strategies to consider, digital marketing may seem daunting.

However, partnering with a reputable digital marketing agency like Byond can alleviate these challenges. After all - we’re here to make your business stand out.


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