In the world of social media, Instagram has become a powerhouse, connecting millions. But have you ever wondered how Instagram determines what content appears on your Feed or in Stories? Well, Instagram told us last week and here’s what you need to know.

Instagram's algorithm is not a single entity overseeing all user activity. Instead, it employs a diverse set of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each with its own purpose. When it comes to the Feed, Instagram considers several factors to rank content.

Your own activity on the platform, such as the posts you've liked, shared, saved, or commented on, helps Instagram understand your interests and preferences. The popularity of a post, including the number of likes, comments, shares, and saves, is also taken into account.

Furthermore, information about the person who made the post and your history of interacting with them influences the ranking process. The algorithm predicts your likelihood of interacting with a post and prioritises those with higher potential for engagement. Instagram also ensures a diverse user experience by avoiding consecutive posts from the same account and excessive suggested content.

Moving on to Stories, Instagram ranks content based on signals like your viewing history, engagement history, and the overall relationship with the account. The algorithm gives priority to stories from accounts you frequently engage with and believe you don't want to miss.

Understanding Instagram's ranking algorithm is crucial for businesses looking to grow their accounts and increase visibility.

Here are some practical implications based on the algorithm's factors

Focus on user engagement: The algorithm prioritises posts with high engagement levels. Businesses should create content that resonates with their audience and encourages meaningful interactions. Asking questions, encouraging users to tag friends, and running competitions/giveaways can all boost engagement.

Consistency is key: The algorithm considers the frequency and consistency of user interactions with an account's content. Businesses should aim to post high-quality and engaging content regularly. Developing a content calendar and scheduling posts in advance can help maintain a consistent presence.

Build relationships with followers: Instagram values the history of interactions between an account and its followers. Businesses should respond to comments, direct messages, and engage with followers content to establish a sense of community.

Diversify content formats: Instagram seeks to provide a diverse user experience. That means you should vary their content formats, including photos, videos, stories, and carousel posts.

Leverage Instagram Stories: Stories have their own ranking algorithm. Businesses can use this feature to connect with their audience more authentically. By creating compelling and interactive stories with features like polls and question stickers, businesses can increase visibility and engagement.

Understand your target audience: Knowing your audience's preferences is crucial for tailoring content to their interests. Analysing Instagram Insights and using other analytics tools can provide valuable data on user behaviour. This helps businesses create targeted and relevant content, increasing engagement and therefore visibility.

By implementing these strategies and staying updated on Instagram's algorithm changes, businesses can optimise their presence, increase engagement, and grow their Instagram accounts.


